How a Career Coach can help with a career change


When you are considering the reality of a career change, there are so many options and steps to take before you begin that it can leave you feeling confused. One option is to talk with a career coach who will provide guidance, advice and help figure out the potential jobs and careers that suit you. Another option is to create a career plan which can help you to navigate from your current position to your new career, your career coach can assist you here by highlighting the exact steps to achieve your goal and how to overcome any barriers that stand in your way.

A few steps are involved in any career change and planning is vital. See this article as a guide to achieving your career goals.

Exploring possibilities

It is a blessing to be spoiled with choice, not long ago education was reserved for the few, today you can have a career in any field of your choice. You could be interested in a career in IT and technology but there are several niches to consider. Is it going to be a software programmer or a cybersecurity expert? There are significant differences in these careers and it’s important to take the time to explore these possibilities before committing.

Compare Options

Okay, now you have a list of possible career choices, bit how do you decide which option to select? What are your reasons for choosing one over the other? Is it because it is in-demand or is it purely out of passion? The reason should be true to who you are including how it relates to your strengths, work values and the type of company you want to work for. The last thing you want is to be a few years further down the line and thinking that you have made the wrong choice.


Now you know the career that you want to pursue, it’s time to summarise the steps to make this a reality and what is required? Is there any qualifications, do businesses offer on the job training? Do I need to find an entry level role into the industry and how do I apply? You’ll need to outline all of these steps into an action plan. Your career coach can help you with the steps required, ensuring that your career plan has the steps required.

Implementation of your career plan

It’s great to have a career plan, but the plan is useless if you don’t execute or get started. A career counselling session can help you to take action and find the motivation you need.

Support network

Don’t ignore the importance of your network, we all have private networks including friends, family, colleagues even a client list. It’s important to tap into this vital network for help in transitioning your career.

Online profile

In the 21st century, everyone is expected to have an online profile it could be LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. If you are considering a career change, then you should invest in updating your LinkedIn profile to present a professional image. Many recruiters and HR managers will search you up on LinkedIn, before inviting you for an interview, as well as only advertising certain roles on Linkedin.

Seminars and conferences

It is important to attend industry events and network, you need to be informed on the trends and latest industry standards for your new career. Find seminars and conferences around where you live and attend them, it will also allow you to network with colleagues and potential employers in these events.

Career consultant

Understandably not everyone has the time or know-how to go through this process on their own. We recommend using a career counselling session for clarity and direction. Career advice from a career coach will help you set your goals and pursue them with the support of professionals.

If you would like some help deciding on a career change and whether it is right for you, see our Career Coaching and Career Consulting services and speak to one of our expert career advisors who can help you.

Perth Career Consulting

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Benefits of a Career Coach and Career Plan

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Considering a Career Change, 5 career questions you need to ask yourself.

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